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Also only Facebook videos are shared as full size video post with autoplay on Facebook news feed .
If your current video player can only play videos from mp4 files , youtube etc you are loosing all that viral traffic potential .
Gives You Full control
GraphPlayer allows you to fully control , customize the look and feel of any Facebook video , and add it to your website with all the cool features that big companies usually charge for without any video hosting fees .
You can choose exact start and end time for any facebook video , easily set video to autoplay , and take advantage of the looping feature , which is very important for both cinemagraphs and short viral video memes .
You can set custom height and width of your facebook videos or set them to display in full responsive mode , so they automatically look great on any device . You can also disable controls and full screen playback . All this can be done with the click of the button
GraphPlayer is the new software that allows you to play both video cinemagraphs and regular videos on your own website , automatically play GIF cinemagraphs and vertical videos when page is viewed on mobile , play Facebook videos directly on your website , and much more .

GraphPlayer ' s Key Features :

Takes Advantage Of Video
Takes Advantage Of Video Watching Habit Shift On Mobile This new habit is the rise of vertical video watching on mobile . Industry research says that mobile phones are kept in portrait mode 98 % of the time .