™Marketing Magazine Issue 8 | Page 4

"BAD" LUCK WHAT IS YOUR RETURN ON THIS “BAD” LUCK? TBY: ANDY BUYTING This pandemic has challenged businesses in more ways than we could have ever imagined. As a business, you will have already experienced survival mode in the beginning, which moved into stability and hopefully opportunistic growth. Now after this massive change in the economy, we’ve been thrown right back into survival mode and forced to navigate this new normal. Thankfully, there is always opportunity in business for those that take the time to think and act strategically. In his 2011 book, Great by Choice, Jim Collins wrote an entire section on what he coined the “Return on Luck” and how some companies seem to experience an oddly consistent return on luck. This can be very positive or very negative depending on whether the luck is good or bad. In fact, when Collins performed a study on the return on luck, it occurred almost exactly 50% each way: 50% of companies consistently experienced a positive return, 50% of companies were consistently experiencing a negative return. The companies that consistently experience a positive return on luck are those that invest time on high-level strategic thinking. Where others bury their head in the sand, running faster and harder to accomplish more without being strategic about it, these companies rise above and lead the change. 4 | TULIPMEDIAGROUP.COM