™Marketing Magazine Issue 18 | Page 19

( perhaps maybe similar fonts or even colors ), the overall “ vibe ” or messaging highlighted throughout the design will be specific to each brand . And this goes for all businesses . You ’ re not like any other brand , so the design elements you use in your custom magazine must reflect your unique message and values .
Now , you ’ re probably thinking , “ OK , that makes sense , but how do I achieve a cohesive and impactful visual identity for my brand ?” And the answer is by paying attention to how all the visual elements work together . Your visual elements include your logo , color palette , imagery , typography , and overall creative design , and each piece needs to fit into the puzzle perfectly to create a custom magazine that ’ s both visually appealing and effective at getting your message across .
For example , one thing people often get wrong is that they go overboard and add too many visual elements into one design . You ’ ve heard the statement , “ Less is more ,” and that certainly applies when it comes to designing a custom magazine . This means limiting your color palette to a few main colors , utilizing fancy fonts sparingly , integrating your logo in ways that make sense , and allowing for some negative space throughout the design . But achieving a cohesive visual identity across the various pages or even issues of a custom magazine is about more than just the colors , fonts , and logos . It ’ s about consistently creating a design aesthetic that reinforces your brand ’ s recognition for your audience so they instantly go , “ I know who that is !”
Does this sound like a lot to consider ? Well , we ’ re not going to lie . It can definitely be overwhelming for those with little to no experience with design . Thankfully , that ’ s why Tulip Media Group has some of the best professional graphic designers on hand who are ready to develop creative solutions to help tailor your visual identity to suit your specific needs and objectives . That way , you can still enjoy a beautifully crafted magazine that showcases your brand ’ s mission without worrying about all the little details .
Here ’ s what one of our Client-Partners , JGS Insurance , had to say about our custom magazine program :
“ Working with [ Tulip Media Group ] has made significant changes to our business . Our agency is receiving positive feedback regularly , complimenting the aesthetics and information we provide .”
And this is our ultimate goal : to create a visual identity that ’ s so aligned with your unique brand that it simply highlights the fantastic work that you do on a daily basis . Plus , it ’ s not just insurance companies whose visual identities we ’ ve helped elevate through a custom magazine . We work with businesses across all types of industries including ( but not limited to ) health and wellness , real estate , luxury brands , wealth and finance , and manufacturing , to name a few .
For example , another Client-Partner , Blomidon Nurseries , had a similar experience to JGS Insurance . They state :
“ Very talented team of personable people , willing to get to know your business and help you in developing a strategy , creating content , and planning your executions . You really don ’ t feel like a client . Instead , they act as if they ’ re a team member within your [ organization ]. I ’ d recommend anyone who is finding it challenging to get their [ print ] marketing off the ground — or even to find a starting point — to at least have a chat with them . You ’ re unlikely to be disappointed !”
As you can see , with the right team behind you that understands the value of a cohesive and impactful visual identity , you can easily enhance your brand positioning while reinforcing your brand recognition and capturing the attention of prospective clients . So , the only question left is , “ What are you waiting for ?”
Ultimately , even if you ’ ve never fully considered it before , design significantly impacts how your brand perception is formed when it comes to a custom magazine . The instantly recognizable brands are the ones you come to trust more easily ( just think back to the one you initially thought of at the beginning of this article ), and when there ’ s trust , it becomes easier to cultivate loyal , lifelong customers . So , if you ’ ve been hoping to take your brand to the next level with a custom magazine but need some additional support and guidance , our team at Tulip Media Group is ready to help you enhance your visual identity and bolster your branding efforts with our custom magazine program ! Visit TM . Media / Magazine to learn more about our programs .
Tania McIntyre , with over five years of dedicated experience , is a seasoned professional in design and marketing , specializing in delivering tailored solutions for our Client-Partners . Tania ’ s journey has been marked by a commitment to creating compelling designs that effectively communicate our Client-Partners ’ messages to their target audiences .