™Marketing Magazine Issue 13 | Page 3


I ’ d like to start by acknowledging the point in history that we ’ re at . Vaccines have rolled out across the country , and hopefully we are well on our way to seeing the end of this pandemic . It ’ s been a tough year and a half for businesses and people in general . It has tested many of us in ways that we thought we would never be tested .
Having said that , we ’ re excited about the future here at Tulip Media Group . We ’ re feeling optimistic about where things are going with our own company , with our Client-Partners , and with the service that we ’ re providing . We ’ re continuing to help fuel the revenue growth of all our Client-Partners , and that ’ s something to celebrate .
It ’ s an interesting time for us because , as most of you know , we ’ ve pivoted from being primarily a print marketing agency to primarily a digital marketing agency . With digital marketing , of course , we get metrics that we can use to better measure results . Because of this , we ’ ve been able to witness firsthand the increase in qualified opportunities and leads we ’ re generating for our Client-Partners .
Unlike many digital marketing agencies , we don ’ t put emphasis on traffic or clicks or likes . What we put emphasis on , measure , and hold ourselves accountable to is actual conversions . These are the number of times your phone rings or the number of booked meetings you receive as a result of your marketing strategy . At the end of the day , that ’ s what drives revenue growth , so that ’ s what matters .
Waypoint Insurance , our featured Client- Partner this quarter , is a prime example of this . We took over Waypoint ’ s digital marketing from another agency that wasn ’ t producing results for them . Since we ’ ve taken over , Waypoint has had to hire more salespeople to handle all of the qualified opportunities we ’ ve been sending them . What a fantastic problem to have !
On that same note of bringing in more sales and streamlining the sales process , we ’ re excited to release the book Creative Director Jessica Embree and I coauthored called Double Sales / Zero Salespeople . It ’ s a book that anyone doing any kind of selling or marketing will be able to get something out of . However , it is primarily a roadmap for B2B businesses that have a product or service offering that lends itself to an online-to-offline sales process . What I mean by this is that we will help generate interest online by encouraging prospects to reach out and increase your selling capacity by automating the first half of your sales and marketing process .
The book recently pre-released on Amazon as an International Best seller . The Kindle version is out , and the paperback version is coming within days . We hope you enjoy it .
At Tulip Media Group , we are passionate about our mission and our purpose to fuel the revenue growth of our Client-Partners . As we continue to grow with you , we look forward to what this next quarter holds for both our company and yours and to finding new ways to serve you every day because that ’ s what we love to do .
All the best and enjoy the magazine ,
Andy Buyting , Founder & CEO Andy @ TulipMediaGroup . com