Why did you
decide to write romance novels?
For more than thirty
years, I wrote for other people,
either as a journalist, a lawyer, or
a PR/marketing consultant.
However, after I was diagnosed
with Multiple Sclerosis, then faced with more
than six surgeries over a five-year period, I de-
cided I needed a change, so I decided to try my
hand at romance/erotic fiction. SK: I was once set up on a blind date with the son
of a federal judge. We did not hit it off and I
never saw him again. Three months later I was
watching the nightly news and his photo
popped up on the screen. He had murdered his
girlfriend with an ax after she tried to break up
with him.
MFRW: Wow! That’s dodging a bullet. Or an axe.
MFRW: How much of your personality and life experi-
ences are in your writing?
I get asked this question a lot. My short answer
is one person could not possibly engage in all
the hijinks I have contrived without winding up
in a rest home! I am not writing about personal
experience. Instead I combine personalities and
experiences from my more than thirty years as
an attorney to create characters and stories. My
personality does come through in the female
characters in my book: All of them are strong,
independent woman who take responsibility for
their choices. SK: City life or country life? E-Book or paperback?
Zebras or elephants?
My dream is to retire to a hobby farm with aq-
uaponic gardens, orchards, a stocked fishing
pond, chickens, goats, and a free cooking
school for disadvantaged, disabled, and abused
children, so most definitely country life. The
cooking school is my way of giving back be-
cause despite all the challenges, I have had an
amazing life.
Tell us about the
scariest thing that ever happened
to you.
Among your own books, do you have a favor-
ite book? Favorite hero or heroine?
My favorite characters are the international law
attorney who becomes involved with a sheikh
(also an attorney), and the attorney who runs
off to join the cir-