Marketing for Romance Writers Newsletter July, 2017 Volume # 10, Issue #7 | Página 4

SEELIE KAY (Cont.) BIOGRAPHY & LINKS CONTACT SEELIE: SEELIE’S WEBSITE FACEBOOK TWITTER: @SEELIEKAY 4 BIOGRAPHY BOOK LINKS: Seelie Kay engages in flights of fantasy, drawing on a vivid imagina- tion and an inquisitive mind. Some of her most outrageous scenarios get put down on paper. After stints as a journalist and lawyer, Seelie hung out her shingle as a freelance writer, editor, and au- thor. When not spinning her kinky tales, Seelie ghostwrites nonfiction for lawyers and other professionals. Seelie resides in a bucolic exurb outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she shares a home with her son and enjoys opera, gourmet cooking, organic gardening, and an occasional bottle of red wine. Seelie is an MS warrior and ruthlessly battles the disease on a daily basis. Her message to those diagnosed with MS: Never give up. You define MS; it does not define you! KINKY BRIEFS EXTASY BOOKS AMAZON BN KINKY BRIEFS TOO EXTASY BOOKS AMAZON BN