December Release
By : Keta Diablo
Sky Dreams Sky Series , Book Three
December 1 , 2016
The Plot :
In the Sky Series , Sky Tinted Water ( Book One ) and Sky Dance ( Book Two ), you met Dawson and Rory Finch and shared in the journey of their love . Now , in Sky Dreams ( Book Three ), meet their daughter , Haven .
In 1893 , Haven Morgan is a young widow . Heartbroken and alone after her husband ’ s tragic death , she travels to Cobb ’ s Grove , Minnesota , to teach at the country school .
Her curiosity is piqued when she meets the handsome supervisor of the local lumber mill , Cade Kincannon , but the trauma of her husband ’ s death haunts her days and torments her dreams .
How can Cade break through the veil of darkness shrouding Haven , forge a path to her heart , and convince her it ’ s all right to love again ?
Reviews Welcome . Please contact ketadiablo @ yahoo . com if you ’ d like to review . Thanks !
Biography :
Keta Diablo lives in the Midwest part of the country on six acres of woodland with a lake . It ’ s gorgeous here in the summer and a wee bit cold in the winter .
Keta writes historical romance and paranormal romance . Sometimes she dabbles in contemporary romance with heat levels that run the gamut from sweet to erotic .
When she isn ’ t buried in her writing cave , she loves to garden and read . She also is an avid animal lover and devotes her time and support to two local animal shelters .
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