Excerpt :
November Release
Rip Cord : The Ever After Book Three ( Cont .)
But before directing him to his place , one more stop needed to be made . Somewhere the ghosts still haunted him .
Now they sat in the cracked concrete driveway of a run-down house . They stared through the bug-splattered windshield of the Prius at the overgrown weeds , the peeling green paint , and the off-kilter porch . “ Isn ’ t this where you grew up ?” Rip barely nodded . His stomach was tied in knots . He ’ d thought it would be a good idea to bring Gil here . To help him understand why Rip was the way he was . But now , it didn ’ t seem like such a great idea .
Rip pushed open the passenger-side door and unfolded himself from the cramped shoebox . That car was so Gil . Unassuming but efficient . Smart . Dependable . From behind him , Rip heard Gil scramble out of the driver ’ s seat and rush to catch up . “ Does anyone live here now ?” “ No .”
Publishing Info , Buy Links , and Contact Info :
Publisher : Loose Id ISBN : 978-1-68252-242-4 Amazon ASIN : B01N75NJFG BUY LINKS : Publisher : http :// www . looseid . com / rip-cord-ever-after . html Amazon : https :// www . amazon . com / dp / B01N75NJFG BN : http :// www . barnesandnoble . com / w / ripcord-jeanne-st-james / 1125150546 ? ean = 9781682522424 Genre : Erotic Contemporary LGBTQ Length : 108 pages
Price : $ 2.99 Warnings : Explicit Sex , GLBT , BDSM Heat Level : R + Format : E-Book in Multiple Formats Author Website : http :// www . jeannestjames . com Author Blog : https :// jeannestjames . blogspot . com Facebook : https :// www . facebook . com / jeannestjamesauthor Twitter : https :// www . twitter . com / jeannestjames Amazon Author Page : https :// www . amazon . com / author / jeannestjames
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