Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine October, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 10 | Page 27


POISON PEN By : Val Tobin

The Plot :
When their colleague is murdered , three aspiring authors can ‟ t help meddling in the investigation , which puts them on the killer ‟ s radar . Robin refuses to leave the house , Daphne has OCD , and Beth falls asleep at the most inopportune moments . Yet all three find themselves caught in a cat-and-mouse game where anything can happen , and no one is safe .
Will they catch the killer before he catches them ?
Detective Jacob Turner is a modern-day Columbo in search of a clever killer . Instinct tells him something doesn ‟ t add up . Then , the case becomes personal and the hunt is on .
Poison Pen is a stand-alone novel and part of the About Three Authors series , which includes Whoever Said Love Was Easy ? by Patti Roberts and Stolen Hearts & Muddy Pawprints by Georgina Ramsey .
An Excerpt “ You ‟ re the cop .” She made it sound like a bad thing . If he wasn ‟ t looking for a taller , blonder suspect , she would ‟ ve put his radar on alert . Even so , he didn ‟ t exclude her from being an accessory . Perhaps all three women conspired together . Interesting thought .
Jacob held up his badge and met her at the front door . “ I am , yes . How ‟ d you know ?”
“ Saw you on the news last night , Mister No Comment .” She flashed hazel eyes at him and gave a toss of her head , which tumbled riot-red curls around her face . Part of him wanted to arrest her on the spot so he could see her in handcuffs .
Jesus , how long since he ‟ d been with a woman ? He hadn ‟ t reacted this viscerally to either Daphne or Beth , and they were more of what you ‟ d call classical beauties . Something about Robin made him want to touch her .
***** Goodreads Review by Frank Parker : “ An entertaining read , well plotted , with good character development . . . . Highly recommended to anyone who likes mystery and romance .”
Available in Print and E-Book At : Author Contact Info :
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Prices : Print : $ 9.99 E-Book : $ 3.99 Length : 252 Pages Rating : R
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Biography :
Armed with a master ‟ s degree in parapsychology , certifications as an Angel Therapy Practitioner ® with advanced training , and her Reiki Master / Teacher certification , Val explores the metaphysical through her writing . Val ‟ s stories range from UFO / government conspiracy thrillers that fans of Jason Bourne , The Ghost Whisperer , and The X-Files would love to romantic suspense stories with book boyfriends readers swoon over .
Not one to shrink from writing a love scene , her stories include sizzling sex scenes . Her diverse cast of characters , in a variety of novels , includes a witch battling a sorcerer who wants to kill her , a ghost desperate to expose her killer , a reluctant assassin and the psychic he vows to protect , three authors struggling with various mental disorders determined to solve a colleague ‟ s murder , and many more .