By: Laura Haley-McNeil
The Plot:
Violinist Teagan Whitloch Mun-
roe escapes into her music and the
solace she finds at the Crystal Creek
Ranch. Practicing in the woods helps
her piece together her life, but she
isn‟t alone. Someone hikes nearby.
Renowned architect Phineas St.
Cyr protects the world from his dis-
figurement by sequestering himself in
the woods on the Crystal Creek
Ranch but can‟t resist Teagan‟s music.
Teagan finds sanctuary in Phin‟s
friendship but soon realizes he hides more than his scars. They
are caught in a web of deceit by someone threatening to reveal
Phin‟s secrets. His exposed past endangers Teagan, and he can
no longer walk away. This time he must face the enemy deter-
mined to defeat him. He‟ll fight to the finish to protect the
woman he can never love. No price is too high to keep buried
the secret that will mark Teagan for destruction.
An Excerpt
Teagan Whitloch Munroe was trembling. She was trem-
bling, and she couldn‟t stop. She‟d been trembling for more
than two hours—since she‟d left the downtown Denver condo-
minium she shared with her husband, Dr. Wilbert Munroe.
What she‟d seen inside the condo—in their bedroom—made
her want to vomit. A cold knot of disgust and revulsion gripped
her stomach.
When she‟d walked into the master bedroom, she must‟ve
gasped. Will was lying on the bed, but he wasn‟t alone. He‟d
lifted his head from the pillow. He‟d looked right at her.
And swore.
He hadn‟t looked surprised. He‟d looked annoyed.
She‟d pressed a hand over her mouth.
Blinded by tears, she‟d backed into the doorjamb and stum-
bled into the hallway. She didn‟t remember running out of the
condo, but she must have. Her legs throbbed, and her chest
ached. The only thing she remembered was her husband calling
her name.
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Author Contact Info:
Print: $3.99
E-Book: $11.99
Length: 226 Pages
Heat Level: PG-13
Amazon Author Page
A Californian, Laura Haley-McNeil spent her youth studying ballet and piano, though she preferred reading.
Without a clue as to how to write a book, she knew one day she would.
After college, she segued into the corporate world, but she never forgot her love for the arts and served on
the board of two community orchestras. Finally realizing the book she‟d dreamt of writing wouldn‟t write itself,
she planted herself in front of her computer. She now immerses herself in the lives and loves of her characters
in her romantic suspense and her contemporary romance novels. She lived her own romantic novel when she
married her piano teacher, the love of her life.