Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine May, 2018 Volume # 1, Issue # 5 | Page 5

LAURA HALEY McNEIL (Cont.) INTERVIEW MFRW: LHM: What is your writing routine once you start a book? Because I still have a day job, I have to fit writing into every moment I can. My husband is very sup- portive, which helps, otherwise we‟d be eating out of a can every night. I begin a manuscript by mak- ing notes that probably only make sense to me. I try to create an outline; it‟s not the standard outline. It has a beginning and as I move through the scenes, I‟m working toward an ending. The ending doesn‟t always remain the same, but I have to have some idea of where I‟m going with the book. I like to write as if I‟m watching a movie or reading a book. I have to surprise myself because that‟s the only way I think I can surprise the reader. I rewrite a twist several times because I want to make sure that the twist isn‟t predictable. Once I send a manu- script to the editor, I start writing the next one. I‟m usually working on three books at once, so I really have to focus to make sure I remember which book I‟m writing. LOL! MFRW: LHM: Generally, how long does it take you to write a book? It probably takes about a year because I start and stop so many times. I‟ll finish a draft and send it to the editor, then start outlining the next book. When I get the previous book back from the editor, I write the first draft for the second book. I make the changes and send that draft of the first book to the copyeditor and then work on the second book. The first book comes back from the copy editor, I make those changes and send it to the proofreader and start working on the second book again. In be- tween these drafts I‟m formatting and working on cover design, writing blurbs, and trying to market the book I just finished. Sometimes I get dizzy. Continued Page 6 5