By: Lyncee Shillard
The Plot:
If Leigh Ronaldson is one thing, it‟s
predictable. What‟s wrong with having a
routine? Apparently, it makes her boring
or so her ex-boyfriend claimed as he
dumped her. And her best friend agrees.
She decides to prove them wrong
and books an extreme adventure in Ecua-
dor. The hiking, kayaking, and camping
she signed up for. She didn‟t plan on the
hot guide who by just looking at her made
her squirm with desire and definitely not
the drug cartel who wants them dead.
Nick Greco‟s golden rule is never to touch a client.
NEVER. But rules can‟t be broken.
Once the local drug cartel starts hunting them, he knows it
will take all his skill to get out of the Amazon jungle alive. And
if your life is hanging in the balance even golden rules can be
An Excerpt
If there was one thing she excelled at, it was setting a goal,
making a plan, and then following it making adjustments as she
went until the objective was reached. Overachievement was her
middle name. Granted, she‟d never set the goal to have random
sex with a Tarzan, but it didn‟t matter; a goal was a goal.
He was handsome in a harsh, rugged way with a body any-
one else could only achieve through photoshop, and he lived in a
jungle. She smiled. Nothing practical or routine about him. She‟d
show Rayna and David. Not only was she going on an adventure,
but she was going to screw Tarzan.
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Price: $0.99
Length: Pages 75
Heat Level: R
Amazon Author Page
I live in the cold Northern Michigan (the place of four seasons - they lie! It‟s just different levels of winter)
with my husband. Our children have begun their own adventures, and just as I got into the swing of empty nest,
then my grandson came to live with us. Now I‟m doing eight again… they argue everything just case you forgot.
And I now remember why I eat doughnuts and drink vodka
When I‟m not hanging out with the eight-year-old, I‟m writing, reading, crocheting, and making self-care
products. I‟m a planner babe and vodka wizard. I also enjoy taking pictures. I‟m not claiming to have a talent it‟s
just something I like to do.
Come and hang out with me…we will talk doughnuts, vodka, and planners…