Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine March, 2020 Volume # 3, Issue # 3 | Page 29

FEBRUARY, 2020 DEADLY HOMECOMING By: Lorelei Confer The Plot: One is the loneliest number… Madelyn (Maddy) Morris returns home to arrange her mother‟s funeral. While strug- gling with her grief she encoun- ters the one man she never wants to see again, the ex who broke her heart in more ways than one. Garrett Fisher, her closest childhood friend and now an FBI agent assigned to the human trafficking task force, never stopped loving Maddie. When he sees her at her mother‟s funeral, he decides to finally tell her his true feelings. Does Garrett have a second chance or has her ex stolen her from him again? An Excerpt Early the following morning, Maddy sat at her usual place at the kitchen table and started a list of things to do while drinking her morning coffee. She considered the furniture and other contents inside the house she had grown up in and remembered all the good times her family had shared there—holiday dinners and summer barbeques, birthdays and wedding anniversaries. They were fun-filled days but too soon the bad memories clouded her vision—memories of her father‟s death, her sister‟s desertion to New York City after spending months caring for her mother, and then her mother‟s death. So many sad things, and there was really nothing left, nothing material, and nothing but hurt and loss. Empty. The house was as empty as her heart. She knew what she had to do. Reviews Welcome. Available in E-Book At: Amazon Author Contact Info: Price: $0.99 Length: 54 Pages Heat Level: Spicy Website Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page Biography: Lorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with her high school sweet- heart, now husband, and AJ, her longhaired Chihuahua. In the fourth grade, she wrote her first story—something about getting a shot at the doctors—that was produced by the teacher for parents and students in an assembly. When she was older, she spilled her guts in a journal every night and wrote long newsy love letters to Viet Nam. She is a multi-published author of romantic suspense with two series: The Deadly series and the Saddle Creek series. She also has written numerous novellas and short stories. She loves to hear from her readers so if you want to stay “in the know” visit her website, sign up for her newsletters and contact her. 29 05