Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine March, 2020 Volume # 3, Issue # 3 | Page 14

APRIL, 2020 ROCK HOUSE GRILL By: D. V. Stone The Plot: One man’s choices—One woman’s impact Aden House, successful but driven chef and TV personality, refuses to slow down. His life implodes one night, dam- aging him both physically and emotion- ally. He‟s rescued by a woman he thinks of as his angel. Shay McDowell has rebuilt her life after her divorce. She juggles volunteer EMT duties and her job, while dreaming of becoming a chef. She finds her way to Rock House Grill and back into the life of the man she helped save. Can love be the ingredient needed to survive the many ob- stacles they face? Reviews Welcome. An Excerpt “Easy, you‟re going to be okay.” A soft voice eased through the chaos around him. The owner of the voice grabbed his arms and held them in a firm but gentle grip. “I‟m right here with you. You are not alone.” “Can hardly m-move.” His voice slurred. “C-can‟t see any- thing.” “You‟ve been in an accident. I‟m an EMT with the ambu- lance squad,” the velvety voice calmly explained. “Hold still, okay?” “„K.” A small light flickered at the edge of his vision. It shone into a bag next to him. Penlight. “You‟re restrained to a board. It‟s to keep your head from moving, and you from injuring yourself further.” She continued to talk to him. The voice reached down somewhere inside him, calming and peaceful, so he focused on it. A glow from spotlights on the out- side lit whatever covered them. The shadow gave the woman the appearance of a halo-like an angel. Available in E-Book At: Amazon BN Author Contact Info: Price: $4.99 Length: 217 Pages Heat Level: Not Provided Website Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page Biography: D. V. Stone is a multi-genre author of two independently published books. Felice, Shield-Mates of Dar is a fan- tasy romance. Agent Sam Carter and the Mystery at Branch Lake is a mid-grade paranormal. Recently, Rock House Grill, a contemporary romance has been signed with Wild Rose Press. I also host Welcome to the Campfire, a weekly blog. Born in Brooklyn, D.V. Stone has moved around a bit and even lived for a time on a dairy farm in Minne- sota before moving back east. Despite her wandering, she always considered herself a Jersey Girl. She met the love of her life and moved, this time to Sussex County. Her husband, Pete, is a lifelong Sussex County man. They share their home with Hali a mixed-breed from a local shelter and Baby a small gray cat who bosses every- one around. 14 06