Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine March, 2020 Volume # 3, Issue # 3 | Page 13

FEBRUARY, 2020 THE MERRY WIDOW By: Adriana Kraft The Plot: So much for all the anticipation about the new millennium. Merry De- laney‟s life is still in a rut and shows no signs of changing. Sex? A fading memory, gone long before her husband actually died. Excitement? Hardly the hallmark of an accountant‟s life. At forty-two, what can she look forward to? Until her best friend takes Merry‟s predicament into her practiced hands. One passionate kiss unleashes possibili- ties Merry never dreamed of—and she wants to sample them all. Men? Women? Young? Old? Ménage? Toys? Yes, to all, to pleasure, to making up for lost time. Enter Chicago Detective Jim Barnes, who solicits Merry‟s help with a mob funds-skimming case. Can the scorching pas- sion that soon smolders between Merry and Jim survive the escalating mob threats of exposure? Having discovered a zest for sex, will Merry ever again be satisfied with one man? Reviews Welcome. Available in E-Book At: eXtasy Books Amazon An Excerpt Sunlight poured through the skylight above the blinds. Early morning rays shone on the crystal figurine Jim had noticed the night before. He sipped his coffee. “It‟s beautiful. Awesome, ac- tually.” “What?” Merry startled, as if she‟d forgotten he was there. “The butterfly emerging from its cocoon—the way the sun‟s rays shine through and bounce off it. I almost expect the butter- fly to fly away.” “It is a lovely piece. My daughter gave it to me when I moved into this room. It‟s supposed to symbolize my transfor- mation, I guess.” “What are you transforming into?” “I don‟t know.” Author Contact Info: Price: $4.99 Length: 313 Pages Heat Level: R+ Website Blog Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page Biography: When it’s Time to Heat Things Up Award winning author Adriana Kraft is a married couple writing Sizzling Romantic Suspense and Erotic Romance for Two, Three, or More. Whether readers open our romantic suspense or our erotic romance, they can expect characters they care about, hot sex scenes, and a compelling story. Our suspense stories deliver one man, one woman, danger and intrigue. Our erotic romance is edgier and nearly always includes ménage or polya- mory, sometimes with two women and a man, sometimes with two (or more) couples. We write our Erotic Ro- mance stories to entertain, of course, but most of all we write them because we believe in happy endings for all who fall in love, whatever their gender, sexual orientation or numerical combination. 13 06