Marketing for Romance Writers Magazine March, 2020 Volume # 3, Issue # 3 | Page 10

APRIL, 2020 DON’T DROP THE BABY By: Linda O’Connor The Plot: Dr. Brogan Corkie is happily semi- retired from medicine and now has time for other hobbies. Her passion for food is second only to her skill at matchmaking! Ross Skye, owner of BabyCare, a high-end line of baby merchandise, is in- jured in an accident, and Brogan uses her cooking, medical—and matchmaking— skills to help him out. Dr. Lauren Kane is taking care of her nephew for two weeks, and Brogan agrees to babysit while Lauren is at work. … Ross is trying to convince Lauren that they‟d make an awesome parenting team. Brogan suggests they test-drive par- enthood by looking after a simulated baby for a week—a com- puterized version that eats, sleeps, wets, and cries. Ross and Lauren experience the “joy” of having a newborn firsthand. … Their first goal is: don‟t drop the baby. Reviews Welcome. An Excerpt “Eventually you‟re going to have to deal with the demons, you know. You can‟t just hire out a baby.” “Maybe I‟m rethinking having my own.” As soon as the words came out, he regretted it. “I‟m sorry. I‟m making a mess of this. Blame it on the lack of sleep. I know this is a temporary solution, but I‟m desperate. Please, Lauren. Could we just try? I have a roomful of BabyCare merchandise that I‟d be happy to give you in exchange. You could take your pick.” “My sister does love your stuff.” The grudging reluctance in her voice gave him a glimmer of hope. “Is Brogan okay with this?” “Yes. And I promise, if he doesn‟t settle with me, then Bro- gan can take him home.” She sighed. “All right. As long as he‟s happy and gets his sleep, I‟m okay with it.” “Thanks, Lauren, I appreciate it.” Available in Print and E-Book At: Author Contact Info: Amazon Prices: Print: $7.99 E-Book: $0.99 Length: 153 Pages Heat Level: PG-13 Website Book Trailer Facebook Twitter Amazon Author Page Biography: Award-winning author Linda O‟Connor started writing romantic comedies when she needed a creative out- let other than subtly rearranging the displays at a local home décor store. Her books have enjoyed bestseller status. When not writing, she‟s a physician at an Urgent Care Clinic. She shares her medical knowledge in fast- paced, well-written, sexy romances—with an unexpected twist. Her favourite prescription to write? Laugh every day. Love every minute. 10 06