Marketing 188 Mag Midterm April 2014 | Page 7

such as, sending out email blasts to the company with an article of what is happening in the industry or having an intranet site and posting the latest products from competitors is also a great way to be knowledgeable and keep everyone else in the loop.

5. Go to the core

Know the ends and outs of the fundamentals to have a successful marketing campaign. You should be able to choose the best channel to reach your audience whether it is reaching out via social media , direct mail, or outside sales. Show the team the correct avenues to be a success.

6. see the big picture

Great managers aren't myopic; they look at all of their cards and find creative ways to go beyond the hand they are dealt. They are able to do this by delegating different tasks to the right people and getting advice from others examples to create a better approach.

7. Be Flexible

Managers must be well organized and have a well thought out plan, but lets be honest, when does anything go they way we initially plan. Since the marketing manager deals with many other outside sources that the marketing department depends on to make certain decision, an effective manager will be able to fluctuate the plan and delegate different tasks amongst the team to continue progress.

8. devils advocate

Like everything in life, politics are always involved even when you try to not be political. As a leadership role you will be

expected to give your input in certain situations, which can be tricky at times not knowing what to say or choose sides. You're a marketer, be creative and what ever the issue may be, make sure you stand up and speak on behalf of your team in a polite and assertive way.

9. A team player

Although you are the boss, don't take advantage of this role. In a perfect world, a manager should be working harder than the rest of his team to make sure that goals are met. Treat others how you want to be treated and never forget that there was a point that you were once in their shoes. No one wakes up the boss, most of the time you have to work your way to the top. Always remember to be the voice for your team, understandable, and make the work place a comfortable and enjoyable environment. You also have to keep in mind, that once you leave, or get a promotion, your managing style will refelct on the person who took your place.

10. Love what you do

When it is all said and done, you can follow all of the guidelines to becoming an effective manager but, if you do not love the work you do and the process it takes, you will continue to be unsuccessful as a manger. A great manager has a passion for the work that they do and instill that same passion in their employees overall making it a great place to work. You must always remember that you are nurturing and teaching those under you to eventually have your position. If you are doing all of the right things and progressing in the company, your shoes will have to be filled by someone below you. Therefore, showing your employees that you love what you do will give them the same motivation to work for you and achieve the goals you set to reach.