Market Research Report Hybrid and Electric Cars Market Report | Page 2

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The market Hybrid and electric sales are set to continue to increase Figure 1 : Hybrid and electric new car registrations ( Great Britain ), by volume *, 2011-21 Hybrid electric vehicles dominate when it comes to sales Figure 2 : Hybrid and electric car new registrations by type ( Great Britain ), by volume , 2011-16 Hybrid and electric car parc set to approach 350,000 vehicles in 2016 Figure 3 : Hybrid and electric vehicle car parc ( Great Britain ), by volume , 2011-16 Franchised dealers dominate the market Figure 4 : Sales of new and used hybrid and electric cars , by channel , 2015 Companies and brands Not all car manufacturers are active in the hybrid and electric market Figure 5 : ULEV Manufacturer share , Q4 2015 and Q2 2016 Promotional expenditure on hybrid and electric cars has fluctuated recently Figure 6 : Recorded above-the-line , online display and direct mail total advertising expenditure on hybrid and electric cars , 2011-15 The consumer Few adults own a hybrid / electric car Figure 7 : Vehicle ownership , September 2016 Sizeable minority interested in buying a hybrid / electric car Figure 8 : Interest in owning a hybrid / electric car , September 2016 Internet and dealers important for information Figure 9 : Sources of information on electric / hybrid cars , September 2016 Costs are a key consideration for buyers Figure 10 : Factors associated with purchasing a hybrid / electric car , September 2016 Charging and costs dominate electric vehicle worries Figure 11 : Concerns about owning 100 % electric vehicles , September 2016 Ease , and flexibility in use , typify views towards electric vehicles Figure 12 : Statements associated with hybrid / electric vehicles , September 2016 Awareness of fuel cell technology is low Figure 13 : Awareness of fuel cell electric vehicles ( FC-EVs ), September 2016 What we think
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ISSUES AND INSIGHTS Plug-in hybrid electric market set for take-off The facts The implications EVs appear more of a long-term bet