retail value share in 2016. Rynkeby and God Morgon are the popular brands of
Rynkeby Foods market in NH fruit/vegetable juices.
There is one more reason for increase in demand for naturally healthy beverages;
people consume water, which is obligatory for good hydration. However, the
problem arises when a person does not intake sufficient amount of water to
overcome low-level dehydration and other global health conditions. Therefore, a
naturally healthy beverage is something, which overcomes these problems as well
as it provides extra energy and nutrition to our body so that people can work more
and remain active all day long. Even though water is a fundamental part of our
lives, naturally healthy beverages will become an important part of person’s life in
forecast. Green tea, lemonade, limeade, orange juices, grape juices are most
common naturally healthy beverages.
Coconut water has become the most premium beverages, as it does not contain
added sugar, cholesterol and preservatives. It contains more potassium than other
fruits. Therefore, coconut water is also seeking popularity in Columbia. In
addition, because of health conscious society, pumped up water, ice teas, diluted
fruit juices, vegetable juices, iced coffee, coconut water, flavoured milk and
kombucha had become popular.
Throughout the forecast, the trend of health and wellness will increase and
continue. It is also expected that the Danish consumers will demand low calorie
product with more natural ingredients, which are free from additives. In the future
years, features like premium quality and freshness will become very important and
demanding. In addition, tap water will become competitive for some categories
like NH bottled water. This is because of the reason that Danish tap water provides
high quality and it does not produce any waste form of PET bottles, which will
become important for growing number of Danish consumers.
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