Low levels of automation and adoption of IR 4.0
3. Promote adoption
More than half (62%) of respondents stated that they are of Industry
currently automating. However, the level at which these Revolution (IR) 4.0
respondents automate is still low, with only less than a fifth
(14%) automating more than half of their business processes.
Furthermore, the vast majority of respondents who are not
automating are not planning to automate in the future.
For respondents who are automating, the vast majority (91%)
are not utilizing robots or other advanced technologies,
indicating low interest in adoption of IR 4.0.
Various studies have highlighted how Malaysian companies
are losing to competitors within the region that are
dominating with cheaper and faster delivery of vessels. This
could be the result of higher levels of automation and
advanced technologies in other countries.
and 4. Strengthen
collaboration to
Less than a fifth (12%) of respondents are partnering or are equip talent with
planning to partner with IHLs to source potential employees. relevant skillsets
In addition, nearly half (47%) of respondents are not
collaborating with IHLs. Of those who do, the vast majority
(83%) are only offering internships or attachments. Less than
a third (28%) are offering apprenticeships while only 11%
stated that they are helping to review the curriculum of
training programmes.
Current training and education system appears fragmented.
There is also an imbalance in the regional distribution of IHLs
that is affecting companies’ accessibility to local, readily
available and skilled talent.
Environmental Scan – Maritime (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair -SBSR) Sector