Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report Maritime Environmental Scan-Final Report | Page 51

8 Recommendations 8.1 Issues and key recommendations Key Issues Recommendations Small pool of local talent • 1. Raise awareness of Awareness of the sector is currently low and may be the the SBSR sector reason behind the dwindling pool of local talent, which is one of the top 5 barriers to recruitment as indicated by respondents. • The 3D (dirty, dangerous and difficult) nature of the sector may also be causing a lack of interest among post-secondary students to gain employment in the sector. • The hiring of foreign workers (including expatriates) to fill positions of various skill levels has also become common practice in this sector, which has resulted in lower emphasis and focus to nurture and grow local talent. Challenging working environment • 2. Provide safer work Both quantitative and qualitative findings from this study environment revealed that the harsh condition of the workplace (e.g. prolonged exposure to heat and direct sunlight) is proving to be the key reason behind the difficulty in attracting the required talent as well as retaining current employees. • Coupled with most employers’ inability to offer higher pay due to the current market conditions, local graduates are not enticed to commit themselves to a career in such conditions. • There have also been several fatal incidents at shipyards in the past, possibly adding to the negative image and perception of the sector. Environmental Scan – Maritime (Shipbuilding and Ship Repair -SBSR) Sector 47