March 2024 Healthcare Hygiene magazine March 2024 | Page 24

It is important to note that the choice between reusable and disposable PPE , as well as the decision to launder at home or professionally , can depend on various factors , including the specific healthcare setting , availability of resources , and local regulations .
Moving forward , it will be crucial to continue researching and implementing best practices for the use and laundering of healthcare textiles . This includes ongoing education for healthcare workers , regular quality control inspections , and adherence to guidelines from reputable organizations . By doing so , we can ensure the safety of both healthcare workers and patients , while also promoting sustainability in the healthcare sector .
Note that this is a high-level overview and the actual system is much more complex and varies by state . The information provided here is based on the most recent data available and may be subject to change as new information becomes available .
Aaron Jett , CMIP , T-CHEST / CSCT / CNACC , MT-VPEI , is chair of the Environmental Services Optimization Project ( EvSOP ).
1 . Rao , N . 2024 Healthcare services outlook : Challenges and opportunities . Dec . 19 , 2023 . https :// www . mckinsey . com / industries / healthcare / our-insights / 2024-healthcare-services-outlookchallenges-and-opportunities
2 . Patel N and Singhal S . What to expect in US healthcare in 2024 and beyond . Jan . 5 , 2024 . https :// www . mckinsey . com / industries / healthcare / our-insights / what-to-expect-in-us-healthcare-in- 2024-and-beyond
3 . Navigating the Future of Healthcare : A Glimpse into 2024 with Wolters Kluwer Health . Dec . 20 , 2023 . https :// www . wolterskluwer . com / en / expert-insights / navigating-the-future-ofhealthcare-a-glimpse-into-2024-with-wolterskluwer-health
4 . Rao , N . 2024 Healthcare services outlook : Challenges and opportunities . Dec . 19 , 2023 . https :// www . mckinsey . com / industries / healthcare / our-insights / 2024-healthcare-services-outlookchallenges-and-opportunities
5 . McQuerry M , Easter E and Cao A . 2021 . Disposable versus reusable medical gowns : a performance comparison . Am J Infect Control , 49 ( 5 ), pp . 563-570 . https :// www . sciencedirect . com / science / article / pii / S0196655320309299 .
6 . Jernigan D and Howard J . A CDC Update on the Part One Draft update to the Guideline for Isolation Precautions : Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agents in Healthcare Settings . Jan . 23 , 2024 . https :// blogs . cdc . gov / safehealthcare / draft-2024-guideline-to-prevent-transmission-ofpathogens-in-healthcare-settings /
7 . aPDI meets PPE : photochemical decontamination in healthcare using methylene blue-where are we now , where will we go ? Jan . 2 , 2024 . https :// magazine . ingentium . com / 2024 / 01 / 03 / apdi-meets-ppe-photochemicaldecontamination-in-healthcare-using-methyleneblue-where-are-we-now-where-will-we-go /
8 . Rao , N . 2024 Healthcare services outlook : Challenges and opportunities . Dec . 19 , 2023 . https :// www . mckinsey . com / industries / healthcare / our-insights / 2024-healthcare-services-outlookchallenges-and-opportunities
9 . Jones R . Reusable vs . Disposable PPE : Why switching to gear you can reuse makes good financial sense . July 30 , 2020 . https :// www . mscdirect . com / betterMRO / safety / reusable-vsdisposable-ppe-why-switching-gear-you-can-reusemakes-good-financial-sense
10 . Disposable vs . Reusable Absorbents and PPE : Which Is Right for You ? https :// closedlooprecycling . us / disposable-vs-reusable-absorbents-ppe /
11 . An argument for reusable PPE . May 7 , 2020 . https :// blogs . bcm . edu / 2020 / 05 / 07 / an-argument-forreusable-ppe /
12 . Poe M . Reusable PPE in Healthcare : Changes in processing reusable PPE due to COVID-19 , future of product usage . American Laundry News . https :// americanlaundrynews . com / articles / reusable-ppehealthcare-conclusion
13 . National Academies . https :// www . nationalacademies . org / event / 41729 _ 03-2024 _ reusable-health-care-textiles-for-personal-protectiveequipment-a-workshop
14 . Overcash MR and Sehulster LM . Estimated incidence rate of healthcare-associated infections ( HAIs ) linked to laundered reusable healthcare textiles ( HCTs ) in the United States and United Kingdom over a 50-year period : Do the data support the efficacy of approved laundry practices ?
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol . July 12 , 2021 . https :// www . cambridge . org / core / journals / infection-control-and-hospital-epidemiology / article / estimated-incidence-rate-of-healthcareassociatedinfections-hais-linked-to-laundered-reusablehealthcare-textiles-hcts-in-the-united-statesand-united-kingdom-over-a-50year-period-do-thedata-support-the-efficacy-of-approved-laundry-practi ces / 93253E00A94CEE5E17FE086AB2AEF3BC
15 . CDC . Linen and laundry management . https :// www . cdc . gov / hai / prevent / resource-limited / laundry . html
Continued From Page 23
2022 — more than double the average rate of 4.2 percent between 2010 and 2019 . 14 Organizations will need to find effective ways to recruit and retain workers . 14
➍ Workforce Burnout and Stress : Research published in 2023 revealed that 49.9 percent of healthcare workers reported experiencing burnout . 15 This can lead to reduced job satisfaction , mental and physical health issues , increased absenteeism , and more 15 .
➎ Workforce Shortages : America is projected to face a shortage of up to 124,000 physicians by 2033 , and will need to hire at least 200,000 nurses per year to meet increased demand and to replace retiring nurses . 7
➏ Risk of COVID-19 : Healthcare workers face a greater risk of acquiring COVID-19 compared to workers in other sectors , and are experiencing longer working hours , fatigue , and psychological stress . 8
These challenges have significant implications for the quality of healthcare , the wellbeing of healthcare workers , and the overall functioning of the healthcare system . What are some solutions to these challenges ? Addressing the challenges faced by healthcare workers in the U . S . requires a multi-faceted approach . Here are some potential solutions :
➊ Increasing Effective Capacity : Developing plans to increase the effective capacity of acute-care beds to meet COVID-19 demand in addition to urgent and elective care needs 1 .
➋ Managing Supply and Demand for PPE : Proactively managing supply and demand for personal protective equipment ( PPE ) in advance of potential shortages . 1
➌ Supporting the Workforce : Hospitals and health systems are committed to supporting their workforce . This includes creating programs and developing resources to promote caregiver well-being and resiliency . 2
➍ Recruitment and Retention Strategies : Prioritizing recruitment and retention strategies , addressing employees ’ workloads and schedules , ensuring fair pay based on market rates and cost of living , and offering appropriate training and resources . 3
➎ Comprehensive Training Programs : Growing your own and providing comprehensive training , critical support , and essential resources to empower caregivers with the competence and confidence to excel in their roles and want to progress onto new ones . 4
➏ Legislative Support : Congress has begun to address these issues , through provisions included in the American Rescue Plan Act dedicating $ 140 million to establish programs to reduce suicide , burnout , and substance use disorders among frontline workers , and directing the Health Resources and Services Administration to develop mental health and substance use disorder training programs for the healthcare workforce . 2
24 • www . healthcarehygienemagazine . com • march 2024