March 2024 Healthcare Hygiene magazine March 2024 | Page 23

a 50-year period : Do the data support the efficacy of approved laundry practices ?” compares the 50-year publication record of HAIs related to laundry of HCTs to the overall actual occurrence of HAIs in hospitals over the same 50 years . The authors found that the chance of a patient having an HAI linked to contact with a laundered , reusable textile is approximately 1 in 14,900 . This suggests that the risk is relatively low , especially when compared to other potential sources of HAIs .
Katie Laird
Katie Laird , a professor of microbiology in the School of Pharmacy and Head of the Infectious Disease Research Group at De Montfort University in Leicester , England , has conducted research on the role of healthcare textiles as fomites . Her research has raised international awareness of the risks to healthcare workers of incorrect laundering of uniforms . The research group she leads was the first to determine the stability of coronavirus on textiles during laundering ; these findings informed global infection control policies in industrial laundries , thereby protecting laundry and healthcare workers .
TSA Guidelines The Textile Services Association ( TSA ) has prepared and published a guidance document and Interim healthcare Laundry Certification process for re-purposing a laundry to process healthcare items in line with BS EN 14065 practices and HTM 01-04 .
TRSA Guidelines
The Textile Rental Services Association ( TRSA ) has developed the Hygienically Clean for Healthcare Textile Laundry Management standard , which considers the exclusion of microbiological hazards during laundry cleaning .
HLAC Guidelines
The Healthcare Laundry Accreditation Council ( HLAC ) is a nonprofit organization that inspects and accredits laundries that process reusable textiles for hospitals , nursing homes , and other healthcare facilities based on the highest , professionally recognized standards for patient safety and infection prevention .
ALM Guidelines
The Association for Linen Management ( ALM ) provides guidelines for professional handling , transport , and delivery of manufactured textile goods consisting of healthcare , food processing , and hospitality linens with its special hygienic requirements .
These studies and guidelines highlight the importance of proper laundry practices in reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections ( HAIs ) from HCTs .
In conclusion , the role of healthcare textiles in the transmission of infections is a complex issue that requires careful consideration . While home laundering may offer convenience and cost savings to healthcare faciities , professional laundering in an accredited healthcare laundry facility ensures adherence to strict standards and regulations , reducing the risk of healthcare-associated infections .
Over the past 50 years , reusable textiles have demonstrated a strong safety record , with a relatively low risk of disease transmission when compared to other potential sources of healthcare-associated infections . This , combined with the shift toward reusable PPE , underscores the importance of reusable textiles in healthcare settings .
Moreover , the use of reusable textiles aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability in healthcare . By reducing waste and environmental pollution , reusable textiles represent a more sustainable alternative to disposable products .

Healthcare in the United States : An Overview

Healthcare Facilities
As of 2024 , the United States is home to approximately 6,120 hospitals . 1 These facilities encompass a broad spectrum of healthcare providers , including community hospitals , federal government hospitals , non-government not-for-profit community hospitals , investor-owned community hospitals , and nonfederal psychiatric hospitals . 1
Healthcare Workers
The healthcare industry in the United States is one of the largest and fastest-growing sectors . It employs approximately 22 million workers , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 encompassing a diverse range of professionals such as physicians , surgeons , registered nurses , healthcare technicians , and practitioners . 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
Healthcare Uniforms and Market Potential
Medical scrubs , a common type of healthcare uniform , represent a significant market . In 2022 , the market for medical scrubs was valued at USD 8.11 billion . 7 , 8 , 9 It is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate ( CAGR ) of 6.5 percent , 7 , 8 , 9 indicating substantial market potential for healthcare uniforms .
Laundering of Healthcare Uniforms In the United States , healthcare uniforms are typically laundered through a combination of physical , chemical , and thermal actions , resulting in hygienically clean healthcare textiles . 10 , 11 , 12 While it is common practice in some countries for healthcare worker uniforms to be laundered by the employer , many healthcare workers in the United States launder their uniforms domestically . 10 , 11 , 12 However , strict guidelines and standards are in place to ensure the proper laundering
10 , 11 , 12 of these uniforms to prevent the spread of infections .
Challenges Faced by Healthcare Workers Healthcare workers in the U . S . face a multitude of challenges :
➊ Financial Difficulties : Health systems are grappling with financial difficulties due to ongoing staffing problems , reduced patient volumes , and rising inflation . 213 Cuts to Medicare reimbursement rates could also negativly impact revenue . 13
➋ Health System Mergers : Although hospital transactions have slowed in recent years , mergers are expected to rebound as health systems aim to spread their growing expenses over larger organizations and increase their bargaining leverage with insurers 13 .
➌ Recruiting and Retaining Staff : Healthcare job openings reached an all-time high of 9.2 percent in September
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