As stewards of capital , we are dedicated to growing and preserving our clients ’ assets .
Regional President and Managing Director of FLP ’ s Investment Advisory Services , Tom Fay , CFA ®, leads a talented team of investment and wealth management specialists highly focused on building trusted relationships among entrepreneurs , local nonprofit board members , retirees and high-networth individuals and their families . The highly credentialed team includes community leaders and has an average of more than twenty-five years of industry experience , all in the greater Providence area .
As fiduciaries , we are here to serve the needs of our clients . As stewards of capital , we are dedicated to growing and preserving our clients ’ assets . We have a long history in sustainable investing and believe environmental , social and environmental data and analysis should be fully integrated into the investment process . We are committed to providing transparency in our communications , in our fee structure and in our client reporting . The FLP approach is client-centric , data-driven and comprehensive , resulting in an exceptional client experience that will exceed expectations .
> $ 6.06 Billion Assets Under Advisement
• $ 4.29 Billion Wealth and Investment Advisory Assets Under Management
• $ 1.77 Billion Assets Under Advisement > 83 Employees > 13 CFA ® Charterholders > 18 CFP ® Practitioners
As of 12 / 31 / 22
Back row , L to R : Jeffrey Mata , Principal , Director of Application Development ; Glen P . Martin , CFP ®, Principal , Client Advisor ; Roger N . Begin , CFP ®, Client Advisor ; Jody Cullinane , Business Liaison ; Front row , L to R : Lorraine Silva , CFP ®, Private Client Advisor ; Danny DePetro , Portfolio Analyst ; Thomas P . Fay , CFA ®, Principal , Regional President ; Marianne Pursley , CFP ®, Investment Advisor ; Andrea Bosgraaf , Client Account Administrator
10 Weybosset Street , Providence 401-861-0424 flputnam . com
1983 1990 2015
FLPutnam Investment Management
Company formally incorporated by David W . C . Putnam , President .
FLPutnam acquires Winslow Asset Management of Portland , Maine .
Thomas Manning , CFA ®, named CEO and President . Company adopts Employee Stock Ownership Plan .
2019 2021 2022
FLPutnam acquires financial-planning firm Financial Focus of Wolfeboro , N . H .
Establishes local presence in Providence , R . I .; Thomas Fay , CFA ®, named Regional President .
NYC-based alternatives / asset manager research firm Atrato Advisors joins FLPutnam
Opens branch in Lynnfield , Mass .
FLPutnam acquires boutique RIA Salem Capital Management of Woburn , Mass .