From the Committees www . wsca . org 2023 - March - 7
Meeting Minutes
The Committee would also invite Lynn-Ellen to review and assist with revisions as the President and ex-officio member of the committee .
Rachel has created a nice “ ad ” for potential Judges , to be put in the Spotlight and on Facebook . We have had 7 people request Judge applications , all of which have been sent along with the requirements to become a Judge .
Marketing & Promotions : Rachel Duenow Updating forms for Champ Show and Sponsorships . Rachel handed out a preliminary sponsorship packet . When finalized will be available on the website and will possibly send out to clubs .
Nominating : Kevin Berger Absent . Nothing to report .
Procedures : Sandy Strube Absent . Sandy will have the new Board Members binder at the next meeting . Will work with Bridget to finish up their procedure .
Publicity : Lori Taylor : Kalli ( WSCA Queen ) and Sarah ( WSCA Princess ) had a great trip to Las Vegas for the NFR . The Royalty Court will be attending banquets , Winter Carnival parade , Skijoring , and Arena Trailer Sales . They have been invited to attend the 4H Winter Round Up and speak about the journey to the crown .
Insurance and payment will be needed to attend the St . Paul Winter Carnival Parade .
Royalty : Bridget Behrns Getting closer to selecting a date for the clinic . Might need to look for dates outside of April and look into dates for March . The Queens have not been reimbursed for entry fees and will work with Amber and Arlene .
Rulebook : Cindy Ladd Absent . Nothing to report .
Safety Committee : Corey Swartout Absent . Nothing to report .
Scholarship : Julie Gintner Application will be going in the March and April Spotlight .
Old Business : Rachel presented a sample of contact cards for the Royalty Court .
Lynn-Ellen would like to appoint Sara Schwartz as Parliamentarian . Motion made by Julia Northwick , seconded by Lori Taylor to approve Sara as Parliamentarian . Motion carried unanimously .
The initial draft for the adaptive riding guidelines has been worked up and sent to members of the committee for review . Groups would be broken into assisted horsemanship and un-assisted timed events ( Key , Poles , Barrels ). Classes will be held at Champ Show and showcased on Friday in the Compeer Building . Some of the requirements may consist of : Member of WSCA Club , 10 hours of training in a saddle , signature from a club that they participated in a show . Still need to decide on how to determine if they qualify for adaptive riding . Will need to work on crafting the entry materials .
Insurance to cover the stalls through Inland Marine for transportation would cost $ 6,000 per year and have a $ 5,000 deductible . The cost of this type of insurance along with the high deductible is not a good option for WSCA . In speaking to Kelly Kurth who currently handles our insurance , said we can get a Commercial Liability Insurance policy for $ 1,700 per year with a $ 500 deductible . During the setup of the stalls , if a worker got injured , our insurance would not cover it . If we hired workers through a company , their insurance would cover the injuries . If an animal gets injured by the stalls , it would be covered by this insurance . Motion made by Ann Goebel , seconded by Steve Bobzin to approve purchasing the Commercial Liability Insurance policy for $ 1,700 per year . Motion carried unanimously .
New Business : Board Member Agreements were received by the attending Board Members at tonight ’ s meeting .
Lynn-Ellen nominated Renee Lee as the Futurity Chairperson . Motion made by Amber Duncanson , seconded by Lori Taylor to accept Renee Lee as the Futurity Chair . Motion carried unanimously .
Working on doing a fundraiser for WSCA . It would be a cash raffle handled through WSCF which is a 501C3 , and would be for the benefit of WSCA . The proposed raffle would sell 300 tickets @ $ 50 each for a total of $ 15,000 . $ 5,000 would be awarded back as cash prizes and there would be a $ 10,000 profit .
Adjournment : Motion made by Lori Taylor , seconded by Julia Northwick to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 PM . Motion carried unanimously .
Next Board Meeting : February 1st , 2023 Western Saddle Clubs Association , Inc . Board Meeting Minutes , January 5 th , 2023 Submitted by Leslie Mason , WSCA Executive Secretary