Message From the President
Greetings LGCC members ,
I hope this note finds you well . Well , what a month February was – it has been quite some time since we experienced a month with such consistent snowfall . While it was not beneficial for golf play , hopefully it will pay dividends on the course as we approach the growing season .
Hopefully by the time you are reading this , the sun is out and the warmth of spring has arrived .
I would like to take this opportunity to provide a brief update regarding our ongoing discussions with W & L . As many of you are aware , W & L is preoccupied with navigating COVID-19 and its effects on the university ’ s operations . The university has been fortunate to keep students on campus throughout the academic year to date , but this has required complete internal focus and time commitment . As you are probably also aware , the university ’ s Board of Trustees is busy working through some significant issues and decisions that continue to require their complete attention . These two compounding factors have understandably placed our discussions on hold , and we do not expect that to change until later this spring . W & L remains interested in pursuing a formal agreement with our club , and our channels of communication remain open during this time . I assure you that your board remains committed to making decisions in the best interest of the club , and we will communicate any updates and information as they become available . And please remember , each and every member will be involved in any such decision if and when the time comes .
In closing , I would like to highlight the work of Natalie Garvis and Lauren Jensen in forming a tennis / racquet sports committee here at the club . The committee is hard at work planning for new programming and opportunities in the months ahead , but has kickstarted their work in the meantime by creating indoor engagement during these colder months . Ping pong tables , along with a pool table and cornhole , have been set up upstairs in the club , so please be sure to take advantage of these new amenities when looking for fun indoor activity or while waiting to pick up a to-go food order . Be on the lookout for further information regarding additional racquet sports engagement in the coming months .
Here ’ s to a great month ahead !
Cheers ,
Jason Melvin
Board President