March 2021 | Page 11



Around the

Next time you are at the club , look around upstairs . We have over 3,000 square feet that is becoming our indoor play space . In the space we call “ The View ”, you will find ping pong tables and corn hole boards and a billiards table . It ’ s a perfect place to visit after your meal downstairs .
Some families have reserved for game nights for fun inter-generational competition . Pick your night to visit and try a favorite activity .
When the snow clears ( maybe by the time you read this newsletter ) the courts will be more active . Visit the courts page on the club ( CLICK Here ) for clinic options for kids . If you have two to three friends ( or children ), contact Holden to customize a clinic . You can schedule a beginner ’ s clinic , a refresher clinic , or work on a specific skill like serving .
Do you have other court sport suggestions ? Contact one of us on the racket committee :

Lauren Jensen

540.382.8216 ljensen @ wlu . edu

Natalie Garvis

540.460.4374 ngarvis @ wlu . edu

Holden Branham

540.784.6384 hnbranham20 @ yahoo . com