Enclosures and seat covers
Cleaning Instructions
One of the best ways to keep Sunbrella® fabrics looking
good and to delay the need for deep or vigorous clean-
ing is to hose fabrics off on a monthly basis with clear
water. This practice will help prevent dirt from becoming
deeply embedded in the fabric and eliminate the need for
more frequent vigorous cleaning. In most environments,
a thorough cleaning will be needed every two to three
years. When cleaning Sunbrella fabrics, it is important to
observe the following:
• Always use a mild soap such as Ivory Snow, Dreft or
• Water should be cold to lukewarm. (Never more than
• Rinse thoroughly to remove all soap residue.
• Air dry only. Never apply heat to Sunbrella fabrics.
General or light cleaning
To clean Sunbrella while still on a golf car, follow these
simple steps:
• Brush off loose dirt.
• Hose down.
• Prepare a cleaning solution of water and mild soap
such as Ivory Snow, Dreft or Woolite (no detergents).
• Use a soft bristle brush to clean.
• Allow cleaning solution to soak into the fabric.
• Rinse thoroughly until all soap residue is removed.
• Air dry.
• May not require re-treatment depending on the age of
the fabric.
If stubborn stains persist, you can use a diluted chlorine
bleach/soap mixture for spot cleaning of mildew, roof