Battery Clip
Dual Power Port
Charging Assembly
• The 5 1/2” x 7” Drawstring Bag is included and
easily clips to any golf bag.
The USB ports will light up blue when the BCUSB is
attached correctly.
• Connects to any single battery located in golf
cars, ATVs, boats, travel trailers, and more.
• Electronic devices and their specific USB charging
cables are not included in the price of the BCUSB.
Patent Pending
Battery Clip USB • [email protected]
Maintenance is Key
Even the perfect battery requires routine bat-
tery maintenance in order to continue per-
forming up to par. Regular charging and filling
help batteries perform at their peak. When
replacing your golf car batteries, ensure that
your charger is programmed for your new bat-
teries. Battery chargers have algorithms that
may not be compatible with every brand.
The spring is quickly approaching and now is
the time to test your golf car batteries. Should
you need to replace, use this quick guide to
purchase the perfect batteries for your golf
Updated monthly, we have compiled all of
Julie’s articles into a magazine formatted book.
Download it, or order a print copy to give as a
gift, or to display in your place of business.
Wacky World Of Golf Cars
The Owner of WHEELZ Custom Carts & Accesso-
ries, Julie Wilson was one of the industry’s first
on-line retailers of golf car products. Her eCom-
merce store,, has been
serving golf car owners since 2008 and the store
remains a popular on-line shopping experience
for golf car owners who want to take their golf
cars to the next level.
MARCH 2019