world. It's almost impossible to ignore them. That's why we find some becoming monks and removing themselves from this "everyday" life because being immersed in it requires a super dose of discipline, focus and intentionality. We cannot succumb to our temptations.
Believers only like to think about victory in finances, family and fun things we want for ourselves. But victory is also suppose to take place in our flesh.
Do we have overweight people overcoming the cheesecake?
Do we have bitter people now walking in forgiveness?
Are their any homosexuals that have been delivered and restored?
Any non-tithers now consistently tithing?
Any proud people now walking humbly before the Lord?
It is our appetites that change the course of our lives. Goats are led to one place but will feed ANYWHERE and so will we if we do not groom ourselves differently. We will eat ourselves sick, hate and end up in hell, lie to ourselves and receive a reprobate mind from Go, buy everything we like and walk around cursed with a curse and be proud to the point that God, Himself opposes us.
We can't even blame the devil for these things in a lot of cases. They are OUR appetites and desires that we must war against and be strong through the power of God's might. Our appetites must be given to us and monitored and sheep lives accordingly.
Let us pray:
Dear God, We thank You for fearfully and wonderfully making us! We thank You for understanding that it is YOU who made us and not we ourselves and today we pray for Your power to submit our fleshly desires, thoughts and wants aside. We pray for our spirits to be strong and to be led by You. We pray that no flesh glories in Your sight but that we live as a light so that others may see and seek You! Give us testimonies this week as we seek Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness first! These things we pray in Jesus name! AMEN!