Mar Menuda, la revista de l'escola Mar Menuda, núm 1 | Page 31

LA REVISTA DE L’ESCOLA IGNASI MELÉ I FARRÉ This year we participate with pupils of third and fourth grade to a project called Espurna. The objective of this project is to use the English language to create English tales. It is a cooperative work between students of different schools of our country so each school is crucial in the process. Each school is in charge of writing a part of a tale, drawing, recording the sound and editing other tales so in the end, each school has participated in a part of a resulting tale. “LET’S GO TO THE FARM” Before watching the show, the children learned the most important vocabulary about the farm in English classes. The students of P3, P4 and P5 had a great time watching a show in English starring a clown whose name is Ruskus Patruskus. In a beautiful setting, he made the imagination of the children fly to a farm where anything could happen. The combination of clown, magic and puppets is one of the things that attracted and liked the most to the students. 31