Mar Menuda, la revista de l'escola Mar Menuda, núm 1 | Page 30

LA REVISTA DE L’ESCOLA IGNASI MELÉ I FARRÉ ANGLÈS Student Letter Exchange This project was set up some years ago. Our school has participated in different letter exchanges during the last 4 years and our students have met different boys and girls from other schools especially from Blanes and Maçanet de la Selva. This project is aimed at boys and girls in grade 4, 5 and 6. The idea is to have a penpal to write him/her a letter giving personal information and to receive a letter from the partner as well. They can decorate the letters as they want and they also can add drawings, personal items and photos in the envelope. The objective is for students to develop their writing and reading skills and to teach them to be tolerant and respectful towards other cultures and people. 30