Manual en Inglés TECHNICAL MANUAL bien | Page 13

Cleaning videorock. a. Clean the jukebox all over the outside with varsol or any other mineral solvent such as toluene, except the plastic parts, these should be cleaned with alcohol, remember that the presentation and proper functioning of your videokckola, depends on your commercial success. b. Keep your videoplake with the updated music, do not repeat songs and take out the songs that are not performed, for this the programs of jukebox have statistics, on this it depends that it produces good money. Load a USB flash drive with the latest musical hits and copy them to the corresponding folders. - The correct procedure to copy the music files or videos consists of: Open the Windows Explorer, click on the USB stick, select the subject to copy, with right click we access the contextual menu and press copy, Now we locate the folder that corresponds to the artist as follows: Music \ Genre \ Artist \ Song to be pasted. In this folder we activate right click and order paste. a. The songs that we must use in the jukeboxes must be of excellent quality, that's why we recommend that the Mp3 files have a minimum compression of 192 kilobytes per second. And the videos must have a minimum resolution of 720 x 480 pixels per square inch. b. If the computer shuts down repeatedly or due to fluctuations in the power supply, the Windows XP operating system automatically modifies the login and the screen that asks for the user's name and password appears, preventing Windows from loading normally. consequently the videocoll does not work.