Manual en Inglés TECHNICAL MANUAL bien | Page 12

Steps to make good maintenance 1. It is necessary to check the fans and the heatsinks, since the dust can damage them. Use a blower or bellows to remove dust. Remember that the fan may be rotating at a lower speed than required, therefore, you must touch the heatsink with your hand to know what temperature it has, if it is very hot, remove the fan, clean it, and lubricate it. If this does not work, you should change the fan. This is done both with the computer's fans and with the amplifier's. 2. Check the processor heatsink by touching it in the base, if it is too hot, it indicates that the processor may be damaged. If this happens, consider changing the fan. Check in the Bios, in the section of (hardware monitor), the revolutions per minute of the fan, if the revolutions are below 3,000 RPM, proceed to change it. 3. Perform a Scandisk and a Ccleaner to correct errors created by power outages or incorrect shutdowns. In this step, Windows registry errors and lost chains are corrected. 4. Clean the monitor, the dust sticks on the screen because the monitor is charged with static and it attracts dust. Dust is the first sign of future damage, not to mention that it makes your machine look ugly.