2 . Vega for Individual Tournaments
In this tutorial the user will learn how to start a tournament , produce pairings , insert results and show the cross-table in the standard way ( Sections 2.1 to 2.6 ). Section 2.7 describes some tasks such as modifying the tournament details that are sometimes necessary , but which require extra caution . Sections 2.8 – 2.10 describe the Standing , Extras and Rating Report menu items . Miscellaneous other tasks are covered in section 2.11 .
The working area of Vega consists of a menu bar , 3 tabbed pages ( Players Archive , Round Manager , Output ), and a status bar and database area .
When the program starts , the page titled Players Archive is shown :
The File menu gives access to a series of operations including the opening and closing of files , the creation or modification of a tournament and exiting from the program . The three tabbed pages refer to three functions that the arbiter can perform during a tournament .
1 . Players Archive : here it is possible to register players , close the registration and start the tournament , modify player details even after the tournament has started , manage withdrawals and late entries and print the list of players .
2 . Round Manager : here it is possible to generate and modify pairings for the next round , insert the results of the current round or revisit and correct previous rounds .