Manual de Vega Chess 2016 | Page 4

Transition during menu navigation is marked using an arrow: File → Exit Parameters to be substituted by the user are marked with . 1.2 System Requirements Vega runs on Linux and Windows operating systems from Windows XP onwards fitted with a hard disk and a graphic card capable of supporting a resolution of 800x600. A printer is recommended for the display of pairings and results during tournaments, although in principle Vega could be used without it. Vega will print only ASCII files. HTML output can be printed from the browser, but there is little control over page breaks. Vega may run even on a USB pen drive. 1.3 Installation Windows version: Vega comes in the self-extracting archive VegaSetup.exe. To install the program just double click on the icon program and follow the instructions. Please do not install the program in the folders “Desktop” or “Documents”, instead use the usual directories of c:\programs\vega, c:\vega, etc... without spaces in the name of the installation folder. After installation, the program can be run from the start menu in the usual way. Please note that: Vega.exe refers to the version for individual tournament VegaTeam.exe refers to the version for team tournament Linux version: VEGA comes in the compressed archive vegalinux.tar.gz. To install the program, the user should create an installation directory and then extract the contents of the archive using “tar xvf vegalinux.tar.gz”. VEGA will be installed in the directory ./vega. To run the program the user must change directory and enter the following command: ./Vega for individual tournament ./VegaTeam for team tournament Customising the Menus By default, Vega shows the menu in English. The user can select a different language using Select Language under the Extras menu. The program will need to be re-started for the changes to take effect. If necessary, the user can customise Vega’s text labels by editing the message catalog as described in Appendix A (Frequently Asked Questions). Uninstalling Vega Vega for Windows does not use any DLLs, so to uninstall the program, just run the uninstaller from the start menu. On Linux, simply erase the installation directory. Reporting Bugs The author will appreciate all comments, questions and bug reports (if any). To report a bug, send details to the contact address below. Attaching the zipped tournament folder will assist analysis. E-mail: [email protected] License The user will find the program license in the installation directory (see Appendix B). The user must be aware that by using the program, he accepts all the terms of the license. 4