Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 74

· No time control selected - the opponent will move instantly , nice for casual play .
· Time per game - you can set the time which each side has to complete all their moves
· Time per game with increment - the same as Time per game except in addition you can set an increment in time each player gets for each move they make
· Time per given moves - this allows you to set the number of moves each side must complete in a given amount of time
In addition to these time control settings you can also set extra time on the players clock at the start of the game .
Non standard starting position This is a powerful option which allows you to set a non standard starting position which is very useful for practice and learning .
You can select either the current position from the database tab when you started Play- > New game ... or you can select from a huge range of chess openings that you may wish to practice against . Please see the Learning to play openings section for details .
Colour This allows you to set the colour you wish to play , select White or Black or allow a random colour to be selected .
Play realism
HIARCS chess engines use new play realism capabilities which give a much more realistic human like feel to the play of the weaker set Elo opponents in the HIARCS chess engine . In particular it tries to produce the same sorts of mistakes and common moves that weaker players are prone to . This enables you to get
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