Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 73

Accessed by clicking the Play game shortcut icon.The dialog is also accessed from the Play- >New game... menu item. This dialog enables you to configure the type of game you wish to play against the computer. There are many sections to the Play game dialog, here is an explanation of each: Player This section allows you to enter the name of the player who will play the game (it defaults to your name). You can access Rated users statistics by clicking on the ... button next to your name, this will display the Rated user dialog. You can choose if you want the game to be a rated game. The player's current rating is also displayed, here it is 1600 Elo. Opponent This section allows you to select your opponent. Any engine loaded into HIARCS Chess Explorer can selected, however not all engines support set Elo ratings like HIARCS chess engines. Also no other chess engine supports the play realism of the HIARCS chess engines. You can select the rating of your opponent: · Maximum setting allows the engine to play its strongest chess · Match player strength allows you to play an adaptive opponent which matches your estimate chess strength · Custom allows you to set a specific Elo rating for the engine to play at. The up and down arrow selector will increase or decrease the value in 25 Elo steps. You can of course click on the value and set an exact value from the keyboard. If you want your opponent to also think about its next move while it is your turn to move you can turn this on or off using the Think on player's time checkbox. Time control You can optionally choose a time control to play at. Here are the options: 73 / 92