You can see the expected line of play has been added to the Game Notation with the evaluation and depth
of search. The evaluation and depth of search is added after the first move of the line so it is clear at which
point in the line the evaluation was computed.
With two lines of analysis the concise view looks like this:
You can also copy the best line or all the lines of analysis to the clipboard by right clicking on the analysis
pane you get this pop up menu:
Any analysis lines copied are copied with piece letters.
History and Statistic view
The History and Statistic view of engine analysis provides the following information in Analysis Explorer:
· Current status of the engine, this shows what move it is analysing, the depth of anal ysis, number of
nodes (positions) it has analysed so far and the time it has taken. Finally the average number of
positions it has analysed per second is given. It will also show the number of accesses to the local
endgame tablebases by the engine in its search.
· The history of analysis given by the engine is given in reverse order so the latest line is always top of the
list. At each depth searched the engine analysis is given and also if it changed its mind about which
move was best. The most recent evaluation is always at the top of the list of analysis lines.
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