book is given in the screen shot below.
Tournament - this is a statistical opening book of chess moves hand tuned from the very best games
played. It has contribution from IMs and GMs and the very strongest chess players. This online book is
available to HIARCS Book subscribers and is the same as delivered as part of the HIARCS book
subscription and is known to be the strongest commercial opening book and has been for a number of
Each online book is a regularly updated tree of chess moves, statistics and games from different sources.
Updates to the online books are automatically and seamlessly handled by HIARCS Chess Explorer and the
HIARCS Chess Server.
You can access statistics about the online source by moving the mouse cursor over the Source selector
when an online source is selected, you will then see a book stats pop up:
Our online books are updated regularly and we expect to grow our online book sources over time.
Analysis Explorer
Can be toggle accessed by clicking the Analysis Explorer
shortcut icon or from the View-
>Analysis Explorer menu item.
The Analysis Explorer pane enables you to analyse positions using chess engines, see the analysis from a
number of perspectives and use the analysis in the Game Notation pane.
You can select any chess engine from the engine selector (highlighted in above screen shot), all engines
which have already been added in the Preferences - Engines tab will be available in this selector. You will
have the HIARCS World Chess Software Champion engine available in this selector as it is automatically
installed with HIARCS Chess Explorer.
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