!? - an interesting move but perhaps not the best move available, this can also be an enterprising move
which deserves attention. Sometimes !? is a temporary state for a move as with more practice its
symbol can change.
?! - a dubious move, probably objectively poor but could be hard to refute so has more merit than ?
- only move, all other moves are grossly inferior.
Please note setting a move symbol replaces any existing symbol present. You can also enter the symbols
using the keyboard, for example ! enters !, !? enters !? etc.
You can remove the symbols by choosing the Remove symbols menu item on the Move context menu.
Evaluation symbols
Possible evaluation symbols and their description:
· = Equality, a position with equal chances
· ∞ Unclear, a position where it is unclear who if anyone has a n advantage.
· += Slight advantage for White
· =+ Slight advantage for Black
· +/− Clear Advantage for White
· −/+ Clear Advantage for Black
· +− Decisive advantage for White
· −+ Decisive advantage for Black
· ∞= With compensation, an unclear position usually where the side down in material has compensation
for the material
Please note setting an evaluation symbol will replace any existing evaluation symbol present. You can also
enter the symbols using the keyboard, for example = enters =, ~ enters ∞, ~= enters ∞= etc.
You can remove the symbols by choosing the Remove symbols menu item on the Move context menu.
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