When you right click to access the Move context menu you are setting the move you right clicked on as the
context. Depending on the context you may have the following options applicable at that point:
Promote variation - this is used to promote a variation up one level closer to becoming the main line of
the game. When promoting a variation you are in effect demoting any variation it replaces. Please see
this example:
A main-line and variation:
Promoting the 6...e5 variation has this effect, 6...e5 line is promoted, 6...e6 line is demoted:
Remove variation - this will delete the current variation, for example::
choosing remove variation on the 6...e5 variation will remove it:
Remove previous moves - this will remove all the previous moves, for example:
choosing remove variation on the move 2...d6 will remove the previous moves:
Remove next moves - this will remove the following moves/variations:
choosing remove next on the move 7.f3 will remove the move following it:
To add a comment select the Add comment... menu item from the move context menu. You can edit or
remove a comment by clicking on the comment. Either of these approaches will bring up the Edit comment
dialog where you can add, edit and remove comments and diagrams from the Game Notation.
Move symbols
Choose the Add symbol menu item on the move context pop up menu in order to select a move symbol.
Possible move symbols and their description:
· ! - a good move, usually used for moves that are surprising or clearly better than alternatives
· ? - a poor move. Basically a mistake that should not of been played.
· !! - an outstanding move. Such moves are usually very hard to find and clearly superior to other moves.
· ?? - a very bad mistake. A blunder which normally loses material, overlooks a checkmate or some other
bad outcome.
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