Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 24

Now we can compare that with the wider and deeper Online book: GM+ We can see from this information that 6..e5 is the recommended move from GM practice, so we will follow this move in the game notation, the Opening Explorer will continue to show us the moves and statistics from Kasparov filter. There are two games from the Kasparov filter which follow this 6...e5 line. So we now follow the line 6...e5 7.Nb3 Be6 8.f3 Nbd7 9.g4 h6 10. Qd2 which is well established theory until we find the two games played diverge. To see these games click the Show Games button and Game Explorer will set a refined Filter to these two games and display the two Kasparov games which contain this position: 24 / 92