Manual de HIARCS Chess Explorer 2016 | Page 23

We can see based on this data that Garry Kasparov is most likely to play 1.e4. You will also notice I started a new game (Game->New menu) so I can explore variations played in Garry's games. You can select moves in the Opening Explorer pane to follow different paths until you find something interesting. You can also enter moves and variations and explorer positions as much as you like. We will assume Garry will play 1.e4 and so we will follow his most common (likely) moves in the Opening Explorer (Source: Filter).... we then reach the Sicilian Nadjorf line 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 a6 6.Be3 We now find Opening Explorer is showing us a difficult choice - there are a number of choices for Black and they all appear to have bad Scores at least against Garry Kasparov! Remember the Score is always the percentage that White achieves in these lines. In order to help choose the best move in this position we seek information from other sources. First we select the local opening book to get an idea of the popular GM moves in this position: 23 / 92