From classroom paraprofessionals to purchasing specialists and administrative assistants , Mansfield ISD support professionals are an integral part of ensuring students are life , career , and college ready . The district is currently hiring student nutrition staff , bus drivers , maintenance professionals and others who are looking for a district to call home . Visit www . mansfieldisd . org / careers to apply .
CODY CANNON District Buyer ,
Business and Finance Department
Cody Cannon has lived and learned in Mansfield , and both he and the city of Mansfield have experienced change . Growing up , he remembers when the land now occupied by Country Club Estates was once his family ’ s 120-acre farm . He also remembers when the only fast food restaurants in town were Dairy Queen and McDonald ’ s . Now , Mansfield is filled with a variety of restaurants and family homes , and Cody has a family of his own and a career as one of the district ’ s buyers .
Cody was a member of the first graduating class from Mansfield High School ’ s current location . Upon graduation , he worked at Timberview High School as a content mastery aide before moving into the technology department . Now , he ’ s an official buyer for the district , where he helps campuses obtain goods and services they need through approved vendors and methods while adhering to federal , state , and local laws .
“ It ’ s interesting to see all the things that keep the district moving ,” Cody said , noting he ’ s helped purchase everything from the soap that fills dispensers to frogs for dissection . The MHS alumnus also enjoys his job
because of his work environment .
“ It ’ s a very positive and teamworkoriented department ,” Cody said .
LORI BERNEY Administrative Assistant to Associate Superintendent Jennifer Young Curriculum , Instruction & Accountability
Lori Berney ’ s warmth and friendliness is evident to anyone who meets her .
“ I do love people ,” Lori said . “ I love how people feel like they can come into my office and share their life with me .”
Her love for people helped her land her first job and helped her continue to excel in her career .
Lori began working as a receptionist for Arlington High School in Arlington ISD after being a stay-at-home mom to her three children . She was hired by Jennifer Young , who was the campus ’ principal at the time . She remembers her interview for the position well .
“ When Jennifer interviewed me at Arlington High , she asked ‘ What skills do you have ?’,” Lori said . “ And I had never interviewed for a job before . So I said , ‘ You know what ? I don ’ t have any , but I love people .”
Lori spent about 13 years at Arlington High School , and she even got to work with all three of her children when they were student aides in her campus ’ front office . After Arlington ISD , she worked in Mansfield High School ’ s front office .
“ I ’ ve loved both high schools I worked at ,” Lori said . “ I loved the chaos of the job . You got to see the kids , parents , and help teachers .”
Now , as an administrative assistant to Jennifer Young , Lori enjoys her job because she ’ s able to take care of her boss and be there for her .
“ She ’ s like family to me ,” Lori said . “ There is nothing I would not do for her , and she feels the same way about
me .”
AURORA GARCIA Assistant , Human Resources
Aurora Garcia has spent the last 15 years as an assistant in the human resources department , where she has greeted nearly every professional and paraprofessional new hire .
“ It has been a privilege to be working with Mansfield ISD , and also it has been an honor to meet all our new professionals and new paraprofessionals ,” Aurora said .
The Mexico native says her patience and empathy have helped her thrive in her position because it helps new hires have a smooth hiring experience .
“ I think being in their shoes about how they are feeling when they are doing paperwork is important ,” Aurora said .
Her favorite part of her position is the excitement new hires bring .
“ They ’ re beginning with the district ,” Aurora said . “ We are a district that is always giving the opportunity to first year teachers and certainly to those who are bringing the experience and knowledge .”
Aurora is a firm believer in her department ’ s motto Optima Petamus , which translates to we seek the best .
“ It ’ s important to me because our MISD Administrators are always looking to hire the best people for the district ,” Aurora said . “ It ’ s great for new hires to know that you are one of the best .”