Mansfield Today Summer 2023 Issue May 2023 FINAL | Page 24



Students across the district were asked three questions : ( 1 ) What ’ s your favorite class ? ( 2 ) What is your favorite thing to do outside of school ? ( 3 ) What do you want to be when you grow up ? Read their answers below .
RHEMA DIKE Sixth Grade , Asa Low Intermediate School
BOWEN ARMSTRONG Kindergarten , Alice Ponder Elementary School
1 . I like math because it ’ s easy when you understand it . If you practice more and study more , the more you get it .
2 . I like to draw landscapes or people . It ’ s nice to draw because it ’ s relaxing for me .
3 . Surgeon - I just want to help people get better and feel more positive .
1 . Reading because you get to learn about different genres like informational text and fairytales .
2 . In my free time I like to go ice skating because it ’ s fun and you get to walk on the ice . I ’ ve been ice skating for about a year .
3 . Figure skater . I want to learn to do tricks and spins on the ice .
OLIVIA SIGNEY Fourth Grade , Thelma Jones Elementary
1 . Science because there ’ s fun stuff and we get to do crafts .
2 . I like to play outside . I play soccer for Texas Lightning and baseball for the Renegades .
3 . I want to be a soccer player because I really love soccer .
1 . Reading because some books help me with life problems and because reading is fun . I like to read about natural disasters .
2 . I play with my brother and play on my phone . We play Roblox and other games .
PARKER SMITH Second Grade , Thelma Jones Elementary
3 . I want to be an astronaut to float around in space , and get a water bottle and empty it so there are little blobs of water floating around . I want to go to the International Space Station and go to the moon .
The Mansfield ISD Health Services department implemented Goodside Health , a telehealth program , in seven schools . Goodside Health allows school nurses to offer virtual health visits to students and staff inside the school clinic . Additionally , parents also participate in the video call with a health provider and their student .
Through the virtual visit , health providers can order Strep , Flu or COVID testing for the patient in the school clinic . Health providers can also order medicine for the patient inside the school clinic if available to help alleviate the symptoms .
The service is immediate with little to no wait time . Goodside Health accepts Medicaid and most insurance providers and a co-pay may be required .
“ This service has been well received by parents and staff ,” said Director of Health Services Margaret Couldron . “ It allows our school nurses to help families eliminate taking time off work to get a doctor appointment , wait in a doctor ’ s office , and helps our students recover more quickly and get back in the classroom .”
Through the virtual visit , health providers can order Strep , Flu or COVID testing for the patient in the school clinic .