ABOVE : Summit High School students in Kayla Rich ’ s art classes hold up their felt stuffed creations for Charlotte Anderson Preparatory Academy students to see . LEFT : A Summit High School art student holds up a llama she made based on a drawing from an Anderson Academy student . BELOW : Saniya Randle holds up her stuffed creation .
Junior Saniya Randle , an art student at Summit High
School , smiled as she held a small stuffed felt carrot she made by hand . The little carrot looked just like a picture she also held , which was drawn by a Charlotte Anderson Preparatory Academy ( CAPA ) elementary student .
The custom cuddly creations didn ’ t stay at the elementary school , though . They were donated to the Arlington Police Department Victim Services Unit . Representatives from the department attended the assembly and accepted the gift .
Saniya and her fellow students brought to life the drawings of several budding elementary artists , and the felt toys ranged from smiling doughnuts to mallard ducks . Summit art teacher Kayla Rich taught her students how to create the 3D soft sculptures as a part of a fiber arts lesson . The high school students created a pattern and learned simple stitches to bring the creation together .
The high schoolers then showed their customized stuffed animals to elementary students during an assembly on May 10 at Anderson Academy . The reveal was met with gasps and cheering from the young students .
“ They were so excited ,” said Rich about her students seeing the drawings . “ We are beyond impressed with your artwork . They kept true to how you , the artist , drew the design .”
Victims services personnel will give the stuffed animals to children who are involved in a crisis incident or are victims of a crime . Carnesha Collins , victim services coordinator , said the toys will help children feel calmer in crisis events .
“ You ’ re full of energy . You make my heart smile ,” Collins said to the students . “ Your stuffed animal can give them [ children in crisis events ] emotional support .”
“ We are so very proud of the collaborative work that our students have done and the positive impact it will have in our community ,” said CAPA art teacher Jessica Smith . “ This is a perfect example of MISD excellence and the ways in which we lift our community .”