roach to Safety and Security
Along with physical safety , emotional well-being is important as well . Building relationships with all stakeholders — students , staff , parents and community members — is key to a thriving district . The MISD Guidance and Counseling Department works in partnership with the MISD Social and Emotional Learning Department to create positive learning and working environments for all .
MISD school counselors support a student ’ s pursuit of academic , emotional and social success , while relational practices help them understand and manage their emotions in order to make meaningful relationships with others and make responsible decisions . MISD also empowers parents with the tools they need to continue these practices at home .
Counselors are available during regular school hours on every campus to assist students , but the district also wants to make sure students have resources during non-school hours as well . A list that provides options for help 24 hours a day is available at www . mansfieldisd . org / support247 .
" When someone walks into one of our buildings , we want them to know that they are safe and welcome ."
- Superintendent Dr . Kimberley Cantu
Encouraging everyone to report harmful or unlawful behavior is a big component of how Mansfield ISD plans to keep “ Our House ” safe and secure . That means if a person is struggling or sees another person who is , there ’ s help ; and if anyone sees harmful or suspicious behavior , there ’ s a way to anonymously report it .
“ Not in Our House ” is a reporting tool to alert the proper people of any dangerous or illegal activity . Mansfield ISD takes all reports very seriously . After a submission is made , district and campus administrators will launch an investigation and contact the parties involved about any necessary next steps .
More information about “ This is Our House ” and “ Not in Our House ” will be released to the community in February 2022 and throughout the school year . Visit www . mansfieldisd . org / ourhouse to learn more .