Three Employees Receive
Mansfield ISD Heartbeat Award
Ramonia Bacon
18-19 Heartbeat Award Winner
Three staff members have
been added to The Mansfield ISD
Heartbeat Team. MISD employees
are nominated by other district
staff for displaying heart in their
lives and inspiring other colleagues
through their actions.
The spring 2019 Heartbeat
Award recipients are Ramonia Ba-
con, family engagement specialist
at T.A. Howard Middle School; Keli
Cullen, teacher at Summit High
School; and Holly Teague, newly
retired Specials Projects Manager
and former Associate Superinten-
“The Heartbeat Award means
that they are the heartbeat of
the school or department,” said
Superintendent Dr. Jim Vaszaus-
kas. “Without the heart, you can’t
survive. It’s what keeps everything
going and that’s the reason these
recipients were chosen by their
Holly Teague
18-19 Heartbeat Award Winner
Bacon was nominated for her
commitment to always putting
students and families first. She
continually goes above and be-
yond and she always does it with a
smile on her face. She believes that
parents and families are partners
in education and strives to create
opportunities for engagement.
Cullen’s passion for supporting
all students was the driving force
behind her nomination. She has
started various clubs on Summit’s
campus, including the green team,
which focuses on recycling and
provides students with opportuni-
ties for community service. She’s
also started clubs for staff, helping
to build community and encour-
age active lifestyles as a team. Cul-
len volunteers her time and talents
to see a video about
what makes these
ladies the Heartbeat of
Keli Cullen
18-19 Heartbeat Award Winner
to help new teachers and takes on
many extra roles to help her school
run smoothly.
Teague has gone above and
beyond in transforming MISD’s
accountability practices by think-
ing outside the box as a district of
innovation. Her vision, backing and
follow through with the Dr. Sarah
K. Jandrucko Academy for Early
Learners, has helped the campus
reach tremendous success in its
first sixth months. Her passion
for continuous improvement and
innovation is infectious.
Each recipient was presented
the award by Jeff Brogden, Asso-
ciate Superintendent of Facilities
and Bond Program, as part of this
year’s Mansfield ISD Employee
Awards Banquet. The Heartbeat
Award was established in January
2003. Three Heartbeat Awards
were given in the 2018-19 school
year. | 19