Destination Imagination Team Qualifies
for World Competition
he Destination Imagination (DI) team from
Lake Ridge High School excelled at the state
tournament and qualified to compete in the world’s
largest celebration of creativity.
Destination Imagination uses project-based learning
to apply the creative process across seven different
STEAM-based (science, technology, engineering,
arts and mathematics) challenges.
The team has been competing together for
several years.
The state contest was held April 7, and the team
of graduating seniors earned sixth place for their
innovative challenge solutions.
The Lake Ridge students are now gearing up for the
Global Finals, competing with more than 1,400 top-scoring DI teams from 45 U.S. states and 14 countries.
The global competition will take place May 23-26 in Knoxville, Tennessee. More than 17,000 students, parents and
volunteers attend the event every year.
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24 Mansfield
School & Family
Dr. Alyssa R. Scott and Dr. Jessica O. Jones